
Creating a Visitation Agreement for the Holidays


Creating a Visitation Agreement for the Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching and, if you are in the process of dissolving your marriage, creating a visitation plan will be part of the terms of your divorce. While creating your parenting plan, you should also make a holiday schedule to address how time with the children will be divided. Taking care of these important details now will help reduce stress, confusion, and conflict later on.

Preparing for the Holidays

Both you and your co-parent likely want to spend the holidays with your children, which is why it is necessary to create a plan that is fair and in the best interests of the children. The holiday season has a lot of sentimental value attached to it, so the more thoughtful you are in the details, the more effective it will be.

Here are some tips on how to create your holiday visitation plan:

  • Make sure visitations are age-appropriate. What may be suitable for an older child might not be suitable for a toddler.
  • Be as specific as possible in your language so there is no confusion. When do holiday visits begin and end? There is no right way to handle this, so consider what is easiest for everyone, including the children.
  • In addition to being specific about the times visitation begins and ends, you should also be specific about who will drop off the children and where. Sometimes, in high-conflict situations, parents choose a neutral location to drop off the children. Choose the arrangement that works for you.
  • Whenever possible, preserve the traditions your children got accustomed to. Doing so can help them feel safe and secure.

Keep in mind that your holiday visitation plan is not set in stone and that children may outgrow these arrangements as they get older, so be willing to revisit this matter with your ex. Most importantly, be flexible whenever possible. Flexibility can foster goodwill between you and your co-parent, which can create a better environment for your children.

Schedule a Consultation with an Experienced Family Lawyer Today!

If you need to create a holiday visitation agreement, do not hesitate to reach out to the skilled legal team at Galmiche Law Firm, P.C. for the exceptional legal advice you need. We understand how important your children are to you and will give you the compassionate legal support you need.

Call our law office today at (636) 552-4841 to schedule a consultation!

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