
Why You Still Need an Attorney During an Amicable Divorce

Divorce has a tendency to be a difficult, emotionally charged process that requires a lot of effort from both spouses to ultimately work together if they wish to have control over the key issues in their settlement. Some couples are lucky enough to be on relatively good terms with one another, allowing them to work through the divorce process amicably. In such cases, spouses often wonder if they can simply settle the dissolution of their marriage on their own, without the assistance of their own respective attorneys. The short answer to this is, yes, although even if your divorce is amicable, it is still beneficial to obtain a divorce attorney.

The fact is that family law can be complicated and it is likely that neither you nor your spouse are legal experts. A divorce attorney will understand your legal rights and obligations as well as the amount of assets and debt held by you and your spouse, which means you will be able to navigate this process properly, without the risk of an unnecessary and costly mistake.

Your Divorce Might Not Be That Amicable

Initially, some couples might believe that they are not in need of a divorce attorney because they have already initially agreed on a settlement, only to later find during the process that they are actually not in agreement like they thought. While you might be able to reach an agreement on how to divvy up your debt and who should keep the house, you might not be able to agree on spousal support, child support, or child custody. You also might not have considered unexpected medical bills, retirement assets, or even your children’s college tuition. There is so much more involved in a divorce than you might think, so it is not always safe to assume that you and your spouse have thought of everything.

An Attorney Will Keep You From Rushing Into a Bad Decision

No one wants the divorce process to last longer than it has to, regardless of how amicable it is. That said, you should refrain from trying to sprint through the whole ordeal without the assistance of a divorce attorney. Without even realizing it, you and your spouse could be agreeing to things that go against your best interests.

There are many things that we can all do on our own, but attempting to comb through legal documents and understand them without representation can be a gamble. You and your spouse are probably not out to jab the other with a bad settlement agreement, but it might happen anyway. Therefore it is beneficial for you both hire your own respective attorneys to ensure unnecessary mistakes are not made.

Drafting the Agreement

Even if you and your spouse are able to agree on everything, you should still have an attorney draft your settlement agreement. Keep in mind that this document will govern all obligations you and your ex-spouse will have toward one another and, therefore, it is imperative that it be accurate, concise, and thorough. On your own, this will be a daunting task to tackle, but an attorney will know exactly what to include, how each issue should be addressed, and the proper legal terms in which to write it.

Your Attorney Will Know How and Where to File the Paperwork

Making a mistake on something as seemingly simple as filing your paperwork with the court can easily lead to your motions being dismissed for procedural reasons. You do not want to make an easily avoidable mistake when you are nearing the end of this process, so hire an attorney to make sure everything is done properly.

Divorce Attorney in St. Louis, MO

If you and your spouse are heading for a divorce, you will need an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney on your side to ensure the process goes smoothly, no matter how amicable the split is. At Galmiche Law Firm, P.C., our St. Louis divorce attorney is backed by 40 years of experience and has assisted countless individuals in navigating the divorce process while protecting their best interests.

Get started on your divorce case today and contact our law office at (636) 552-4841 to schedule a free case evaluation with our St. LouisĀ divorce lawyer.

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