
Time Sharing During the Holidays


The holiday season is the most wonderful time of year for children. Not only will they receive gifts and enjoy their new toys, but school is also out for the winter—meaning more time for play!

On the other hand, divorced parents may find this season quite challenging and complicated. Figuring out holiday plans and deciding where festivities will be held requires meticulous planning. If both parents do not necessarily get along with one another, putting aside their differences for the sake of their children can seem like an arduous obstacle. Although it may not seem like an easy task, it is still possible to make the holidays merry and joyous for all.

Here are several tips to help make time-sharing during the holidays smoother for all parties involved:

  1. Plan in advance – Whether you can cooperate effectively with your ex-spouse or not, both of you must discuss holiday visitation as soon as possible to avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings during the next few months. Remember, think of the children when making these decisions so you can put your differences aside.
  2. Take into account your holiday schedule – Other factors to consider when planning include your work schedule and travel plans. If you plan on working during the holidays, perhaps it’s better for the other parent to supervise your children (if he/she is free as well), rather than having them sit around the house on their own or with a daycare provider. If you wish to take a trip out of town with the kids, you may need the other parent’s permission to do so.
  3. Be willing to compromise – If you can’t have the kids on Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, you can still make the holiday season an enjoyable one. The willingness to compromise can ensure the season goes as smoothly as possible—and save current and future headaches. You can alternate holidays every other year, split the holiday in half, or even schedule the holiday twice.
  4. Ask your children – Even before you start planning everything out with your spouse, ask your kids how they want to spend the holidays. Perhaps there is a certain holiday gathering or activity they consider special to them. If their wishes seem reasonable, do your best to accommodate them. Again, think of the children first.
  5. Take care of yourself – If you don’t have the children for a specific holiday, you have the opportunity to plan something fun for yourself. Whether it’s traveling out of town or spending time with your friends, you can still enjoy the season while the kids are with the other parent.

If you or your spouse require legal assistance in order to come up with a holiday schedule, our Chesterfield family law attorneys at Galmiche Law Firm, P.C. is committed to ensuring both parties are able to cooperate and your kids have the best holiday season possible. Contact us and schedule a   free consultation for more information today.

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